Originally Posted By: getthesenets
With Colin Kap's public stance on the American flag in the news, reporters dug up excerpt of Jackie Robinson's autobiography. Published the year of his death,1972.

He wrote that he cannot stand and sing the anthem.He cannot salute the flag.



here is picture of Jackie Robinson, Army 2nd Lt. Jackie Robinson

Cannot stand sing the anthem before the Civil Rights Movement and desegregation doesn't equate to not standing when you're a mixed QB raised in Mid-upper class suburbia making millions a year. Don't you dare disgrace the injustice and hell Jackie Robinson went through to break the barrier. Kap isn't a pimple on Jackie Robinson's ass.You should be ashamed to compare the 2. It's pathetic.

Hate to hit you with facts, but if you want to protest that is ok. Protest against the main predator of black lives, if they matter as much as you say they do. In the year 2015. Police kill 258 black people, no matter the circumstance. that is horrible and unacceptable. Even more horrible, black killed by other black people....................almost 6,000 black people in 2015 were killed by other black people.??? WTF? Address the real problem first. 6 thousand of black citizens are killed by other black citizens. Why not address those 6 thousand lost first then go after the 258 killed by police? Doesn't make sense. Only makes sense if you want to stir up racism in this country for your own selfish gains.

Last edited by yatescj7; 09/05/16 01:10 AM.