Originally Posted By: BlackFamily
How am I not living proof?

The sentiment from certain posters is " born out of wedlock" equates to not " ideal " situation. Being generally still have it failures as I stated.

@ Gets

I know I'm off the topic you and others discussing but I'm questioning these same individuals bringing that side topic into the mix.

Individual* (singular) who brought it up. Once it's brought up, it's fair game. Stats are just stats.They tell the truth in a snapshot , but not the full picture. Beneath the statistics are individuals who have the free will to make decisions.

Lot of children from what some would consider "ideal" family structures are strung out on heroin and will OD someday.

The man who is currently President was abandoned by his biological father.

Personally, I didn't read anybody(else) write anything in the discussion of Black children births that was offensive. Just citing of stats.
Now, I'm a strong believer in the power of the nuclear family. I'm just old enough to remember when things shifted and I witnessed firsthand how the community changed since nuclear families stopped being the norm. As you know, my buddies growing up were from SC,NC, Alabama ...first generation Northerners..I used to hear their parents talk about how people moved up North and lost their GD minds, abandoning traditional values and such. Every single thing their folks predicted would happen.....has indeed happened.