UN warns a mass refugee crisis is on the horizion one of the biggest in a long time as Iraq army prepares to attack the second largest city in Iraq Mosul ISIS capital and last area of terriorty in Iraq. Million + refugess expected

The effect on normal people this war has had is very sad war never brings good its always the innocent who suffer. US fucked Iraq up so badly hussain allowed Iraqi people to live normal lives sure it was a dictaotrship but at least they were not getting blown up by airstirkces or being beheaded in front of a crowd of people by a forgein headcase because they were caught smoking in public that country is fucked US and UK went in having no idea what they were doing no plan nothing.

The goverment US left behind is useless US left a nation dependant on West support as soon as they left ISIS rose. Its has a major sectairen divide is the reason ISIS was able to gain support in the first place Iraq needs to learn from its mistakes it has to be accepting for the Shias and Sunnis if not we will have the same fucking problem in a few years.

I have said this loads of times on this site the guys they capture charge them with war crimes we need to make examples of them hanging like they did with the Nazis a harsh punishment is needed to send a message to these people if they carry on what they are doing what will happen to them

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion