Government assistance was designed to be a temporary fix to get people back on their feet. The system has failed miserably. Many have come to make it a way of life. Three months max and once in a lifetime should one get unemployment and food stamps. The poor don't get any breaks? Then tell me how single parents get back multiple times the amounts of how much they pay in income tax, when they get their tax return. My mother works in booking at the county jail. She gets so pissed when these scumbags (mainly the prostitutes, dealers, and users) come in with a wallet or purse stuffed with cash and their ebt cards. Hilary isnt qualified for the job. Her husband internationally humiliated her. She took it, so that one day she would get the presidency. The American public could not handle a divorce in the white house. This proud woman who represents women, backed down when her husband was caught fucking an intern and all the others. She has an agenda, not pride. She makes me sick. If she wins, there will be little to no change. If Trump wins, we will see change. Thats what we need. If he fails, we know never to vote for his kind again. If he succeeds, what can I say? I told you so. Lol. We're fucked either way. The president cant fix the mess society has brought onto itself in the last 40-50 years. Those damn hippies destroyed morals and values.