Originally Posted By: thedudeabides87

Are you voting third party or skipping the voting process altogether?

I don't like any of the third party candidates either and won't vote for one simply because they're not Trump or Clinton. I'll vote because of the local stuff but I could write in Mickey Mouse and it wouldn't make a difference as far as the presidential election. Utah is probably the most red state in the country and will go Trump's way even though he's the least popular Republican candidate for Utahns in a long time.

Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Let me get this straight.

You are NOT voting for Trump.

YOUR junior Senator, Mike Lee, has NOT endorsed Trump. One of his quotes reads

"A lot of us consider ourselves religious minorities. A lot of us belong to a church whose members were ordered exterminated on Oct. 27, 1838, and are sympathetic to other religious minorities," said U.S. Sen. Mike Lee. "When people speak in terms of religious intolerance, it understandably frightens us."

The words sounds similar to the post I wrote in response to your direct question about why "religious Blacks" tend to vote a certain way.


If you know how Blacks should be voting or how voting Dem. has effected the "Black community" you SURELY know that the junior Senator for your state has issues with Trump and why.

This what I mean by the "expert" tag. You're speaking about things that you don't seem well versed about and QUIET about things that you would be expected to know.

Person who knows ANYTHING about Blacks and Black voters would know why they tend to vote certain way. Your knowledge of Blacks in America seems limited to crime stats, and studies of pathology in Black culture.Yet you keep posting about what Blacks "should be doing".

Trump dominates the headlines nationally, hard for me to believe that you didn't read or watch account of Lee strongly criticizing him or some of the reasons.

*also, I won't take the bait and reply in kind to your views/comments about my faults. Too often people here press the panic button and lob insults to veer threads off topic.

If I wouldn't vote for Romney (because I took him to task for flip flopping on abortion) I sure won't be voting for Trump.

Anyway, the last I had heard, Lee was one of the holdouts who refused to endorse Trump. But him being the junior Senator from Utah, or being from the same religion, or all the specifics of why he's not supporting Trump are completely beside the point here. He doesn't automatically speak for me, certainly doesn't speak for the Church, and his reasons don't necessarily have any relation to why black vote overwhelmingly Democrat. And that's my point. I get the impression many blacks are what are called "low info" voters. A candidate being a Democrat is all many of these bussed "soul to the poll" voters (who can't find their ID's on election day) know or care to know. They vote straight Democrat because A) it's what's always been done, and B) they totally fail to draw a connection between so many of the problems in the black community and Democrat policies. Democrats tell minority voters, especially in the black community, what they want to hear and unfortunately most buy it every time. You can disagree with me all you want but one just needs to see the seemingly permanent state of so many in the black community to know what I'm talking about.

I suggest you watch this short clip from the underrated movie Bulworth. It sums things up pretty well.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.