Agree about that.I just recently caught on to the sub plot about their NY connect backing off because Avon got a light sentence and them being afraid he was co-operating. Watched each episode at least 5 times and just noticed and understood that. String was a practical was the smart thing to do to get with Joe. With the hitters on the street like Weebey...Stringer's overall plans would have worked out. Without the muscle...all that businessman, co-op stuff was bound to fail. Weebey was more fierce than Chris....and the only character to hold his own against Omar.

Yours is Bunk trying to get his fellow detective to back up off the bogus story that Old Face Andre gave him about the delivery lady murder.

cops talking to drug crew

cop1"you're gonna go in because I said so ,shitbird"

cop2(looking around...sensing danger ) know what, we're gonna give you guys a pass this time.Let's go.