I've recently come to the conclusion that a lot of guys are more interested in trolling, or arguing than genuinely interested in OC.

I find it a little strange y'all find Moe THAT IRRITATING, lol it's just some jokes and memes like come on now......

Look at what Crash posted about Mexicans, that shit should irritate you guys more than Moes jokes.

Now Moe, I gotta take you to task a little bit. See whether you like these guys or not, it's like, you can't brand a guy a rat or a fag if he's not. Especially not a Gigante, call him anything else, murderer, piece of shit, but he's not THE WORST. HE wasn't like, a Granello, or Demeo. I think that's why you got a few guys a little hot. That's just a fuckin NONO, LIKE YOU CANT DO THAT. It's a street thing. It's like D' Arcos book, just the hint of association is enough to taint you. Again this means nothing in the burbs, but if you were to do that in like the NEIGHBORHOOD, DA HOOD, you would see guys VEHEMENTLY refute this. Like this is not a small thing if it's out in the street you are a rat or a fag man that's like, women won't look at you, you won't even fuckin get laid, lol

I mean there was an article saying Dellacroce was a rat too, but I don't think we believe that, do we?

Now I have a philosophy like Joe Pistones, I don't look down on a guy because he maybe didn't have the opportunity to go to college and lives off his wits, or just plain hard work. Or that Gallo, how he says he can respect any man, as long as he is a MAN, be it gangster, cop, Doctor, some other race, whatever.

You can learn from people from all walks of life, if you lack perspective, if you can't put yourself in someone else's shoes.... You never know how anyone started out or what they went through. It's like, what if Sammy Gravanos teachers actually KNEW WHAT DYSLEXIA WAS? I'm not apologizing for the guy, but he admittedly like hard work, and the army. He might have been totally different, maybe not. How would you react if you were treated as retarded and you knew you weren't, but SOCIETY kinda brands you as retarded. You are going to rebell against that if you have any kinda dignity or self esteem. Again, put yourself in a car with Scarfo at seven years old, and the guy tells you there is a body in a trunk. You might feel proud, cry like a girl, get scared, run away, puke, shit on yourself, how do you know how you would react? Can the kid really be blamed?
Again I'm not apologizing for this fuck either but I do understand perspective ya know?