Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
What's happening in American cities in response to police shootings is not just about the shootings themselves, it's a powder keg of several other issues exploding. The police are the most authoritative form of government that poor people deal with, especially poor people of color, so they're going to get the most harsh criticism of their actions. It comes with the job, which is voluntary, last I checked. Police believe they should be respected because they protect people, the problem is a lot of people don't feel protected by the police. Protection is a feeling. It's not an object. It's not something you can see or touch. It's something you believe in. Poor people of color do not believe the police are protecting them. So when a cop shoots one of them, they're going to get a harsh response every time. There needs to be a better relationship between poor people of color and the authoritative arm of our government, from the police to the DA's to the prisons, and frankly, I think the authorities could do a lot more. I think for the most part their response to this rift is exerting more power. Poor people of color aren't doing this because they couldn't if they wanted to. They don't have power to exert.

So are you now the official spokesperson for poor people of color?