
The "soul to poll" as I understand it, is funded by the individual Churches, and is more about bringing people to vote than supporting one candidate,ticket, party or issue.
Churches hire buses/drivers for outings so don't think a local ride to polling station is any kind of expense.(with all the tithes that Black people pay, church better be able to cover the tab) smile

I'm sure the numbers indicate that these older Blacks, churchgoers stable etc....probably tend to vote toward one party, and so ruling that tries to limit that is naturally going to come from the other party.

Some say that when W. Bush was promoting "Faith Based Initiatives" that he was trying to buy influence among the clergy....for himself and the Rep. party.

Dem. party leaders smartly court Black clergy because they know the influence these people have over the Blacks who vote.

Blacks split from the Rep. party over Civil Rights issue. Dem.s trot out the "racist Republican" meme every once in a while to scare Blacks into voting their way. And often an elected official or candidate with an (R) next to their name gets caught doing/saying something that lives up to that stereotype. Politics is all bells and whistles.

Clintons, I'm 100% certain have relationships with every megachurch or prominent Black pastor in the country. In fact...and this is a tangent. Hillary didn't press the Jeremiah Wright issue against Obama in '08 because she didn't want to open the can of worms and uncover relationships Clintons might have had with controversial Black ministers.