
No voter fraud isn't exclusive to one party, but it is more prevalent in one party compared to the other. Your point about "soul to the poll" may be valid, but on the other hand it may be in violation of the Johnson Amendment and therefore illegal.

When I have a chance I'll look into the pros and the cons, so generally speaking, if I read something representing the Democratic side it will be in the New York Times, Washington Post, Huffington Post, Los Angeles Times, Chicago Tribune, Boston Globe, New York Daily News, The Nation, Mother Jones, The Atlantic, Vanity Fair, Associated Press or Democratic Underground, etc. For the Republican side there's the Washington Times, National Review, New York Post, American Spectator, The Federalist,, Weekly Standard, Heatstreat and Human Events. (Breitbart represents the Trump side.) Likewise if I read ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNBC or CNN I'll compare to Fox News. I'll also see if a story is in the UK Daily Mail, The Guardian or Independent. There's two sides to every story.