Originally Posted By: ralphie_cifaretto
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
I'm 75 yrs old and I like everybody.....

peace brothers. PEACE

Bernie? I was gonna vote for you.

thank you pard

now, everyone knows about the militarization of police depts. throughout the country, it is indeed scary,
however there is something scarier, its all these
federal laws, from rico to the patriot act to anti-terroist laws.

it is at the point where the fbi, cia, homeland security can do whatever they want to do to u.s citizens, recently we got a new sheriff in my county here in Idaho. what was the first thing the thug did, he raided old folks bingo games,

old seniors playing 2 0r 3 dollar bingo games been doing it for years, some old people dearly loved the games, so being the big shot he was, he arrested everyone.

he even threated the owner of the building for violating the rico statue. can you believe this b.s. now I'm not in the east but the mindset of the fbi is the same. hit the ones that cant really fight back.

have we heard anymore about the big biker raid some time ago? no, because little by little the truth comes out, and it was not like the feds first said it was.

I fear I'm witnessing the start of the dismantling of our constitutional rights. until we have none left, we have a "no knock law" already. which means breaking down your door any time they want to. its not going to stop.thats whats sad.

" watch what you say around this guy, he's got a big mouth" sam giancana to an outfit soldier about frank Sinatra. [ from the book "my way"