Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
the facts are republicans wont step away from trump because he represents what they really think. their racism shows because of their insistence on illegal voting laws that they imposed on several states. the us supreme court threw out the voting laws
as being discrimatory, their intention was clear, to take away voting rights of minorities.

now they know that wont work, so they have to have trump as president to preserve their illmoral and racist party.

Binnie, you're doing the overgeneralization fallacy again, making claims about an entire group based on the opinions of some members of the group.

If you read the news there are plenty of Republicans who don't support Trump. Do a search of "nevertrump" and see how many results you get.

Then you just make up stuff that isn't true, such as they are going to take away your Social Security. Trump said he doesn't want to touch the program. The fact is, Social Security is running out of money and if something isn't done to fix it there won't be anything for anyone else. What some other Republicans and Libertarians have discussed is to partially privatize it. That means the people already on it, like you, would be grandfathered in the program and things would stay the same. You won't be affected. Younger people who aren't in the program could choose between different options. Plus some of that SS money would be invested in the stock market similar to how Chile did it. I don't know all the details, but that's the gist of it.

As for voting, showing an ID to vote is just common sense and it's done all over the world, including third world countries. There's nothing discriminatory about showing ID. It helps reduce voter fraud. Voter fraud is a real problem and has been a problem since the days of Tammany Hall. Some (notice I didn't write ALL) Democrats claim it's nonexistent, but they not only ignore the evidence, they claim it's not a problem because there's no prosecutions for it. But if they refuse to prosecute that's really a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Then you assert that all the attacks on Obama are because of racism. Every single one. That's crazy. It's also wrong. If you've read American history you do know that every president has been attacked and mocked, yet you seem to think that every past president has been treated with respect until Obama. Do a Google search for "george bush" and "monkey" and you'll see images of him turned into a chimp. You can also find movies made about assassinating George Bush. Has there been a single movie about doing that to Obama? There are books with "I Hate George Bush" in the title. Have you seen any books titled "I Hate Barack Obama"? Yes, Trump believes or used to believe that Obama was born in Kenya and ineligible to be President. He also said Ted Cruz was ineligible. Others made the same claim about John McCain and Mitt Romney. Were they racists too? Anyway, how is claiming that someone was born in Kenya racist? It might be wrong, but how is it racist? Nationalities are not races.

Finally, about Trump voters. I'm not a Trump voter nor a Republican, but that doesn't mean that I have to believe all his supporters are racists. They're not. Far from it. Yes, some are racists. Most aren't. Many are just pissed off people who've seen their jobs vanish and they want someone to fight for them, and they believe he'll do that. They don't agree with everything he says.

So please, stop making the generalizations about all Republicans being racist and wanting to get rid of Social Security. Those are scare stories and DNC talking points.