It makes sense that a small minority in certain Sunni Muslim countries would support extremism, to be honest. I am not justifying it, but when your country is frequently bombed and droned, those feelings can develop.

I am sure Muslim support in America would be much, much lower. Not to mention Muslims in countries that aren't exploited and bombed.

I am not going to say a majority of Americans are bad people because a minority supports torture (which is a form of extremism, in my opinion) or because a majority suported a war of aggression in Iraq (where at least 300,000 civilians were killed, which is a low estimate). The only way to understand why Americans justify those actions is when you view things through a nationlistic prism (America brings freedom and democracy through bombs). When it becomes a good versus evil kind of thing, a lot of bad actions can be supported.

Also, what Olivant said. That was a good point.