I think it's more absurd that some people seem to regard the mafia as a proud part of their cultural identity and make all kinds of half-baked excuses for them while making sweeping statements about criminals of every other ethnic background.

I mean there are literally guys on this forum who stake out clubhouses and mob-linked nightclubs hoping to catch a glimpse of some grown ass men just because they are in the mafia!

It reminds me of the part in The Goodfella Tapes where G.A. is talking about some guy who has pictures of Joey Merlino on the walls of his bedroom.

And what is up with the dude hassling another poster about his faith? Who cares if he's Mormon? It's not like he ever brings it up himself so why use it as a stick to bash him with?

^^^^ LOL he took the time to copy and paste something I said about "Dellacroce" in a private message, which was a response to a deranged private message from LittleNicky. The same guy (Dellacroce) that told me to "kill myself" and got warned by the moderators for his deranged comments.

He's hardly innocent.

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.