Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll

good point, where is their health care plan? when have they ever offered anything on their own, all they have ever done is oppose Obama, sure, Obama care can be vastly improved on and it will, but the republicans will never offer anything, republicans in this congress were nothing but reactionaires.
not lawmakers.

Thanks for the kudos.

To your question about healthcare plans, there are a lot of GOP health care plans. Obama even said he based his on one put out by the Heritage Foundation (a conservative think tank). Mitt Romney implemented the Heritage plan, but in the meantime Heritage renounced the plan. When Romney was running for Prez he had a modified plan, Newt Gingrich had his own plan, and more recently Ben Carson had a plan. Carson's is more libertarian and resembles something coming out the Cato Institute (libertarian think tank).

So just because someone is against Obamacare doesn't mean that they are against healthcare plans. Bernie Sanders was against Obamacare because he wanted a single-payer plan (I think Jill Stein does too). The GOP tends to lean toward libertarian models, but with a safety net. Libertarians may or may not have a safety net (compare Gary Johnson to Ron Paul).

They did propose some plans here and there but I don't think they ever made a strong case. I would've liked for them to really make a strong case for a free market in health care, and they didn't do that enough. Of course I'm with Ron Paul's way of handling health care and he did try making a strong case but that message didn't get to mainstream America.
I do think big business influence is the major factor in that. Contrary to popular belief, the big corporations absolutely oppose an actual free market because it means open competition and competitive prices.