Originally Posted By: getthesenets

You're right. I've read critiques of Dem.s and the POTUS and other articles by D'souza that are surgically precise and that can't be argued. In fact, because of the Portuguese last name, I often forget that it's him writing the article.

I respect the fact that he's an open bigot. Just puzzles me when non-wasps buy into and repeat the racist code words and stereotypes from the country's past. I often wonder whether they are aware that the people they are pandering to hold different but equally rigid stereotypes about their groups.

In fact, because of the H-1 B visa issue, I expect that Desi people will be the next group to be targeted by this same base level rhetoric and pandering. I'm certain that some people see the brown faces and features and group them with Arabs anyway.(and whatever stereotypes they hold about Arabs)

What are the racist code words stereotypes?