Originally Posted By: mightyhealthy
You can sum it up like this:

Uh, no, what you type below is the liberal's standard lazy and dishonest characterization of conservatives.

- Blacks are criminals

Well, yes, some are. In fact, blacks are way over-represented for many crimes relative to their percentage of the population. But if a conservative simply states this fact, liberals like yourself make them out to be the grand wizard of the KKK.

- Muslims are terrorists

Again, yes, some are. In fact, in terms of terrorism, radical Muslims across the world far outnumber everyone else combined. Those who are supportive or sypathetic of extremists are estimated to be 15-20% of the Muslim population. A minority, yes, but by no means a small number either. But we can't point that out because it's politically incorrect. And to liberals, political correctness is infinitely more important than truth.

- Hispanics are freeriders

Again, some are. Obviously, with respect to illegal aliens coming into the country and becoming dependent on government programs, the majority are from South of the border. And I say that while acknowledging that many of them work their fingers to the bone and aren't lazy by any means.

- Liberals are stupid

Misguided is probably a more accurate way to say it.

- Transganders are freaks

You deny this?

- Gays are unnatural

You deny this?

- White men are the best!

Who said this? You just love putting words in people's mouths huh? Like I said, lazy and dishonest.

Did I miss anything, guys?

What you missed could fill a warehouse.

Mods should mind their own business and leave poster's profile signatures alone.