Philly has been reduced to a gang of gamblers and thieves, there was more to be gained linking up with NY then with the current landscape of Philly OC. Looks like Joey was padding his portfolio and after 2 Federal convictions...if they have him on tape (and I believe the evidence is clear and convincing), he won't return a free man until he's in his 70's "at least."

The million dollar question is: Will Joey turn state's evidence? History says absolutely not and for that, I give him a lot of credit...but fresh out of the can after 14 years and just beginning to live the high life (albeit on other people's dimes) again, this could be the bust where he disappears into WITSEC for good...or the bust where the Feds put the final nail in his coffin. VERY INTERESTING! Now I see why all these Philly mob fanatics gush over this midget, he's without question more entertaining than the Eagles, Phillies and 76ers!