
I don't think any sacrifice of life in service is more important than any other.

For the purposes that his story was used at the DNC, there are reasons why he was chosen over other fallen military men of his religion and Middle Eastern background.

The reason this man's story was chosen to be presented at the DNC was to help counter growing anti-Moslem sentiment in general and some of Trump's comments specifically.

I have buddies who served and they've always said "gold" always gets more love than "green". That officers/gold actions and deaths get more coverage than enlisted men/green. I have buddies who are from both "colors".

Awarded Purple Heart and fell preventing the deaths of those under his command. His life wasn't more valuable, but his story is more marketable though.

I didn't think anything would "stick" to Trump, but this story and his reaction to the parents might cause people to recall his tasteless comments about John McCain and put him in an unfavorable light.