Nice rant. You threw everything at me...even Al Sharpton?
You sounded like the late Sam Kinison.
"You really seem to care.About what I have no idea."

You express a very limited viewpoint and perspective.

I am trying to figure out the scenarios where a "White" guy whose family has been here for generations would have welfare recipients of another race in his circle or on his radar.

Only one that makes sense is if you own property and rent to "sistas on welfare" but then you wouldn't be biting the hand that feeds you.

The other scenarios involve you working or living among the poorest of the poor which would partially explain your limited scope of Black people. Would also explain some of the anger you've shown in this thread.

Gotta ask yourself, who are you really angry at....these lowlife Black people that you mentioned, or at the life choices you've made that seemingly puts you in such close contact with them?