Figure of speech

So I smoke sometimes I know full well the risk I am taking so the "damage" is my choice, though I appreciate your concerns for my overall health (joking). I think we would all agree that drinking or using drugs and getting behind the wheel is dangerous and those laws are good and I believe should be stricter but individuals can make a choice to make responsible decisions when deciding to drink, whether it is always having a DD, not drinking when you work have work in the morning or not drinking in excess, you (not you personal) shouldn't tell them what they can't especially if they are sitting on the couch at home.

I feel the same about all drugs and for the record I don't use any drugs so I don't have anything to gain from legalization. But in the last 3-4 years 3 people I know have died from heroin, putting poison in their body was a choice they made and I am sad and feel sorry for their families but they chose to do that knowing the consequences. Making things illegal doesn't stop the it from being used. I don't think people should be shooting up or smoking crack in the street but if someone is at home doing that and not on driving then I don't have a problem.

Last edited by thedudeabides87; 07/29/16 08:14 PM.

The Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter Sobchak: You mean... beyond pacifism?

Walter Sobchak: This guy f*cking walks. I've never been so sure of anything in my entire life