Originally Posted By: getthesenets

in the thread that YOU started about "mass incarceration being a myth"....I mentioned that despite what your point was, that some states were rethinking their mand. min. laws and laws regarding drug possession offenses. I noted that YOUR state had scaled back and changed the penalties for drug offenses.

Was thinking that you could have some insight on why they decided to do this. Seems as though your home state passing those laws counters your points . . The move to strike or lower mand. minimum drug sentences is being taken up from state to state. That is passed in Utah must puzzle you. I hardly think you could blame "liberals" for that, which is why I think you didn't weigh in or comment.

Just because something is passed in my state, it doesn't necessarily mean it passes muster with me. If I marched to the tune of everything Utah does I'd be a Republican. Anyway, I'm definitely for mandatory minimums, especially because we have too many judges who give slaps on the wrist. And I have no problem with drug users I'm prison, especially if they're repeat offenders. I've worked with people going through drug court, and treatment can be a valid option the first time around, but sometimes they need a wake up call.

And I do blame liberals in the overall sense of them being weaker on crime and the ones usually wanting drugs legalized.

Originally Posted By: RollinBones
Originally Posted By: dinocrocetti
The same with Jews (who had it way worse than Blacks)..

lol i've read it all on here man i swear

It's not really a contest but he is right, the Jews have had it harder than anyone throughout history.

Originally Posted By: helenwheels

You're not going to ignore all the white people on 'welfare' in this country, are you?

In the US more whites receive welfare than blacks. While a higher percentage of the overall black population gets welfare, there are still many more whites 'taking' than blacks.

True enough but that's bound to happen when whites make up over 75% of the population.

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