Originally Posted By: getthesenets

good to hear you're back in the gym.Just the presence of this thread has motivated me to stay at it.

I remember OHearn from magazines, when I first started lifting. He had to have been only 19 years back then.He clearly has good genetics to look only slightly older then he did back then and in about the same shape. Most of your top level physique guys have the genetics, and just work to maximize their potential.

The guy interviewing him is an admitted roid,hgh,etc user and standing next to a GMO human being(a mutant), Mike looks like he could be natural.

When he took the shirt off though...the red flags came up.
and I have to laugh at the anti-aging product he's hawking to poor suckers.

Yes GTS, like you said the man is 47 years old and more than 25 years in the game, whether he uses something or not, he looks pretty amazing for his age..

I've kept going to the gym the last couple of weeks, I finally feel that I've got my rhythm back and I don't want to lose it again because it's pretty hard to begin again after a very long lay-off, especially now that I'm getting a bit older. This thread can be a little extra motivation like you said.

Have you ever heard of the Youtube channel of Lui Marco btw? He's has very informative and funny videos on fitness and bodybuilding. He himself is absolutely natural, but he discusses everything fitness/bodybuilding related, also the taboos. In about 6 weeks or so Mr. O takes place. I wonder who will win this edition, a lot of guys train in Kuwait these days which is supposed to be a Bodybuilding paradise, where they have the best of the best vitamins at the athletes' disposal. Very strong and high quality vitamins, if you catch my drift wink.

Here's the latest video of Lui Marco btw, where he talks about Kuwait and the upcoming Mr. Olympia. My countryman Roelly Winklaar looks unbelievable 7 weeks out.