Originally Posted By: getthesenets

Whether Ivy is or isn't racist isn't of any concern to me.I wrote that his contempt for Blacks is obvious and it's a pattern I've seen before where people are quite vocal about the shortcomings,faults,pathology of OTHER groups but conspicuously quiet about negative aspects or stories about THEIR own group.

I guess it's like how people who smoke are used to the smell and aren't aware of how they (and their homes) smell to nonsmokers.

Also, not sure how anyone can tell who is or isn't a racist. How would you know whether I am a racist or not? I could be typing this reply wearing a "k.ill whitey" t shirt for all you know. I'm not wearing that t-shirt, btw...(not today)

First, I have a history with Ivy and have had much dialog with him. Personally, I have contempt for blacks who often get out of line...but I have contempt for whites who get out of line, hispanics who get out of line or any other group of people who get out of line. Call me a racist, but our penal institutions are dominated by African Americans, right? Is there racism in this country? Sure there is. But instead of bitching and moaning about it, go out and prove people wrong. I have plenty of black professional friends who are humiliated by how their people act and how they conduct their lives which is similar to how I feel when a white guy pulls a Columbine or Virginia Tech type incident. There are good and bad in all races.

Here's one for you: My family came here from Italy without anything. Did they have their hands out for government benefits? NO. When they were thrown out of churches, they built their own. When they were thrown out of Steel Mills for being Italian, they opened their own businesses. The same with Jews (who had it way worse than Blacks)...yet blacks are the biggest drain on our government welfare system? Why is that? You got a woman with 3 baby daddy collecting welfare and habitually getting pregnant? When is enough enough? Spending their welfare checks on booze and cigarettes (I'm glad my state finally cut that shit out). Blacks feel entitled because they were slaves, how come Italians and Jews don't hold onto the past discrimination? It's called making a change for the better, something "most" blacks aren't even considering. Let Uncle Sam continue paying for my babies out of wedlock while I sit on my fat ass and collect a check. I'm sure you know a few sistas who do this on a monthly basis.