Originally Posted By: helenwheels
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

I'm a pretty much a libertarian purist, I'd prefer as little to no government as humanly possible.

I don't like to assume, so I'll ask- are you voting Gary Johnson?

Btw- there was an excellent piece in Reason ( likely the most preeminent Libertarian political publication in the US) last week regarding Trump's speech:

Donald Trump’s RNC Speech Was a Terrifying Display of Nightmarish Authoritarianism

The GOP presidential nominee had only one solution to every problem: Give him more power.


Haven't read it but I'll take a look. From the title, I'm sure I'll agree with most of it.

I have a lot of problems with Trump. Part of me likes him simply because he's pushed back against all the crazy political correctness. Has the entire establishment against him and still became the republican nominee. But as far as his positions policy wise, not much i can get excited about. It's campaign is too much about him and what a great leader he's going to be, his ability to make deals as a negotiator. There's no underlying philosophical principles that he's trying to uphold. I don't get impressed with personalities as much as ideas.

I'm not that impressed with Gary Johnson either. He seems like a nice guy that means well, but he doesn't seem to have enough passion and conviction in his defense of libertarian ideas. He doesn't come off well read on libertarian ideas, ethics, philosophy, economics. I guess not everybody can be like Ron Paul.

Last edited by SoCalGangs; 07/27/16 05:43 PM.