Originally Posted By: getthesenets

I get your point about how Duke was used to paint Trump.
Duke made the public endorsement for a reason though. I don't know enough about him to quite compare Duke to Hitler, BUT...Hitler's message wasn't accepted by the German people at first.....years later when the political and social climate was different, people were more receptive to what he was saying. Duke might see Trump's ascension as a sign that people are more willing to accept what he (Duke) is saying.

Fair enough point.

I honestly didn't dig deeply into Duke's whole ideology and world view, all I know is what I read whatever stuff came up on quick google search. Some stuff I agreed with, some stuff talked about him being anti Semitic, which I definitely am not. I read he's a white nationalist, and that's the main reason I ever even mentioned white nationalists at all in my post about allowing the state's break apart.
I care if he's advocating violence against others, if he's threatening to other people through the use of force. If not, he's not a threat to me.