Priest killed in France in his church and nuns taken hostage one who is now in a critical condition. Isis have claimed responsibility

What is going on in France and Germany at the moment is really sad two days ago afgahn refugee blew himself up in Germany injured 12 people Isis also did that.

EU is fuckin useless as well there needs to be greater security it's ridiclous the fear in Europe is in these politicians are useless then people wonder why all the French people were booing the president at the nice funeral and will be surprised when LePen wins the election and leaves the EU. Next to leave i think will be France then Holland, Italy next and Spain after. I have always been a eurosceptic I agree with the single market the EU has and I agree freedom of movement is necessary for that to work but it has to be limited Britain took in over 300k migrants from EU now I have no problem with immigration intact I am a big fan of it without immigration you can't have a strong economy and I understand why people migrate they want the better life no one can blame them but there has to be a limit and everyone was shocked when Britain left I was not even surprised I thought it would happen

and the amount of refugees Germany and Sweden have take is unfair and ridiculous

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion