Great post Carbini, but I have to agree with Sonny in that Scarfo was the exception to the rule. He knew how to play the Cosa Nostra politics at a time when that was of paramount importance and he of course was a cold blooded killer.

He had the time and circumstances on his side, otherwise he never would've been boss I think. His reign also turned out to be disastrous as we all know and according to George Anastasia this is in large part because Scarfo wasn't a wealthy man. He said: 'You should never make a poor man boss, because he gets greedy and he loses sight of what it's about. Bruno saw himself, I think, as the caretaker of an institution and he made plenty of money, but the idea was to insure the continuation of the institution. Scarfo was just about:''It's mine now, give me the money''. Bruno ruled with a iron fist covered with a velvet glove, Scarfo saw no need for the glove. Where for Bruno murder was a negotiating tool of last resort, for Scarfo murder was a calling card.'