Man the robbery thing still doesn't add up to me.. But that's just me. If I was going to run up on a guy with a bag of 15k even if I ended up shooting him dead for whatever reason you better believe I would be leaving with that money. At least get something out of it.. So if it was a robbery they guy went there trying to get money, left a murderer and just as broke as he was before he ran up on the if the motive wasn't a hit it was beyond amateur hour.. Guy obviously isn't a very skilled stick up man...
Not to mention if you're trying to hit a stain or a score there is so many easier and way less risky ways of getting money than sticking someone up. It's just way too liable to end up horribly wrong- example- murder.. It's 2016... At least do some fucking credit card, check fraud... Card cracking. Just so many better ways to get money that are so fucking easy and when you get caught you're looking at some white guy charges.. Mail and wire fraud.. Plus these days there is so much insane fraud going on that unless you're stealing millions you're not even going to be a bleep on the radar... Trust me on that I can vouch first hand about all of that..