Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
I would carefully scrutinize D'Souza's sources. Dinesh D'Souza is a convicted felon. He also belongs to several right wing think tanks, and has written several books targeting Democrats and progressive politics exclusively. He's not an objective journalist. He has a blatantly biased agenda, and he's trying to take down Hillary Clinton.

And let's not forget that Bill Clinton is an impeached President who lied under oath and was forced to give up his law license and pay a fine. Plus Hillary Clinton would be a convicted felon if she was charged like anyone else was for what she did in committing gross negligence and lying before Congress. She also has a biased agenda, calling her critics a "vast Right-wing conspiracy" and in the first Democratic debate called Republicans her enemies. To emphasize that, Republicans are her fellow Americans, but she considers the governments of Iran, Turkey and Saudi Arabia her friends, and is on record supporting the Muslim Brotherhood, which Egypt and several other Middle Eastern countries consider a terrorist organization. So remember, people who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.