Et tu, Jonah?

The following is an excerpt from Jonah Golberg's current National Review article:

"Both literally and figuratively, the 2016 convention failed before the first gavel fell. Why? Because the party is so divided that many — and I mean many — leading Republicans couldn’t meet face-to-face even if they wanted to. The convention is in Ohio Gov. John Kasich’s backyard, and he’s not coming. Neither is Ohio Sen. Rob Portman. No living GOP presidential nominee is attending, save for Bob Dole. Many of the party’s best and brightest elected officials — Rep. Trey Gowdy, Sens. Ben Sasse, Kelly Ayotte, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul — aren’t going, either. Those who are going, such as Sen. Tim Scott and Gov. Nikki Haley, are not on the official list of speakers.

Trump himself admitted the problem Saturday when he said, somewhat grumpily, that he picked Indiana Gov. Mike Pence for “party unity.” It is perfectly legitimate for Trump supporters to grouse about such dissent. But the grousing misses the point. No matter who is right, the fact remains that the party is deeply divided."

"Generosity. That was my first mistake."
"Experience must be our only guide; reason may mislead us."
"Instagram is Twitter for people who can't read."