The problem is how do you stop these attacks from happening? I dont think anyone has a clear answer on how to stop it. ISIS they will be wiped out in a couple of years they are already losing ground in IRAQ, Syria, Libya and Afghanistan but even when they are wiped out a new group will form and the whole thing will start over again more terrorist attacks more innocents being killed.

Groups like Al Qaeda have been around for decades and not been wiped out i dont see the problem going away any time in the near future.
How do we stop these animals radicalizing others? Its getting harder to stop them especially as everything is online now very easy to manipulate people and harder for the government to stop.

I cant think of a way we can stop it from happening and i hope i am wrong but i think we are all going to be living with fear of these animals for a long time because i dont see a solution to the problem at the moment.

Last edited by gangstereport; 07/15/16 02:48 PM.

Not connected with scott or anyone at gangsterreport

Sorry for the confusion