Tony Mark was not the tough guy but he was a little more vocal then Jr. But his father was a boss so even if Mark would have normally walked away from a problem he always had a bunch of wannabes around and yes his father was big about not looking week even if it was his kids in high school.

Jr. Was mild also he was playing stickball on Florida Avenue in front of his cousins JP ally and a car came down the street and the kid in the car was about 19 and jumped out for no reason and told the guys playing ball to get the f--- out of the way JR. Did not say a word let the kid pass granted Jr was only around15 that was him mild .

Those kids were not bullies unless there were bullies with them to start.

And let's not forget Mark was a different guy then he was in front of his friends he was calm a regular guy .
Mark was smart and seen what was coming but he grew up in a house of Constant abuse and some people just lose it when everything is crashing down around them he knew it was it for his father .

Most stuff that went down was public knowledge in ducktown and when something big happened we all knew why for the most part !!! It's was crazy times..

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."