You have an eagle eye ,Goombah.

NBA has egg on their face after DG got arrested for assault in the off season. Innocent until proven guilty, BUT...we documented how DG felt emboldened to crank up the fake tough guy act AFTER the league chickened out from suspending him.

This assault arrest seems to a continuation of that act.I hope the police report of the altercation comes out. If it involves somebody getting hit in the crotch area,I'll fall out of my chair.

Not suspending DG altered sports history for sure.
I don't understand Silver's comments. GSW wasn't the team that could offer KD the most money, he just went there because he felt that was his best chance to win. How do you fault teams for being attractive to star players? Knicks have the money, Madison Avenue, and the Garden....and nobody who is smart wants to play there.Not always about the money.