Guess everyone has a different definition of what makes someone a "gangster".... Was he a work guy? No he wasn't a shooter.. Got to remember there's guys in crews who have buttons who literally can't make 2 pennies.. But they are capable when called on for work.. Then there are guys who have never held a gun in their life who bring in millions... I'm this day and age with the younger guys it's rare to have people who can do both. Obviously nicodemo from philly could do both . Suspected in a few murders and was a pretty serious earner.. But in all honestly in this place and time I feel like a good earner is much more valuable to a family.. And like jr or not the guy knew how to make lots of fucking money... He let his guard down and I think got too cocky and felt like he was smarter than everyone and got buried in that financial case.. But up until then no one can say the guy wasn't a above average earner and rather sophisticated. If you ask me that's a great asset to have around... Just my 2 cents