Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
I don't think that's a misrepresentation, faithful, Reagan was
instrumental in bringing down the middle class, he broke many unions, and despised poor people, the rise of gangs in inner cities started under Reagan, and his draconian policies.
he was a sick man in the head long before he was diagnosed
with alzheimers.

Binnie, I know it's a misrepresentation and I'm sorry to see that you're agreeing with a poster known for pulling "facts" out of his ass.

Here's some facts dealing with economics gathered by Joseph Perkins back in 2004: Just as an example, let's consider Black income and education during the Reagan era. Andrew Brimmer, the Harvard-trained black economist, the former Federal Reserve Board member, estimated that total black business receipts increased from $12.4 billion in 1982 to $18.1 billion in 1987, translating into an annual average growth rate of 7.9 percent (compared to 5 percent for all U.S. businesses.

The success of the black entrepreneurial class during the Reagan era was rivaled only by the gains of the black middle class.

In fact, black social scientist Bart Landry estimated that that upwardly mobile cohort grew by a third under Reagan's watch, from 3.6 million in 1980 to 4.8 million in 1988. His definition was based on employment in white-collar jobs as well as on income levels.

All told, the middle class constituted more than 40 percent of black households by the end of Reagan's presidency, which was larger than the size of black working class, or the black poor.

The impressive growth of the black middle class during the 1980s was attributable in no small part to the explosive growth of jobs under Reagan, which benefited blacks disproportionately.

Indeed, between 1982 and 1988, total black employment increased by 2 million, a staggering sum. That meant that blacks gained 15 percent of the new jobs created during that span, while accounting for only 11 percent of the working-age population.

Meanwhile, the black jobless rate was cut by almost half between 1982 and 1988. Over the same span, the black employment rate – the percentage of working-age persons holding jobs – increased to record levels, from 49 percent to 56 percent.

The black executive ranks especially prospered under Reagan. The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission reported that the number of black managers and officers in corporations with 100 or more employees increased by 30 percent between 1980 and 1985.

During the same period, the number of black professionals increased by an astounding 63 percent.

The burgeoning of the black professional, managerial and executive ranks during the 1980s coincided with a steady growth of the black student population at the nation's colleges and universities in the 1980s.

Even though the number of college-aged blacks decreased during much of the decade, black college enrollment increased by 100,000 between 1980 and 1987, according to the Census Bureau.

Meanwhile, the 1980s saw an improvement in the black high school graduation rate, as the proportion of blacks 18 to 24 years old earning high school diplomas increased from 69.7 percent in 1980 to 76 percent by 1987.

On balance, then, the majority of black Americans made considerable progress in the 1980s.

More of us stayed in high school, graduated and went on to college. More of us were working than ever before, in better jobs and for higher wages.

The black middle class burgeoned to unprecedented size, emerging as the dominant income group in black America. And black business flourished, creating wealth in the black community.

(Thanks to Joseph Perkins of the San Diego Tribune, June 11, 2004.)

As for unions, the one notable case was the firing of flight traffic controllers when they went on an illegal strike. Per their contract they were not allowed to strike and did anyway, so Reagan did the correct thing in firing them.

He did not despise poor people, you've been brainwashed from too many left-wing news rags that have an agenda. Please show me a single quote from anything he said during his two terms in office where he said he hated or despised poor people.

The rise of gangs in inner cities was around way before Reagan. The first New York gangs started in the 1830s and the earliest Los Angeles gangs in the 1880s. Reagan wasn't that old.

As for draconian policies, what would that be? Having a dress code in the White House? That's kind of a subjective standard. Since you're a Reagan hater maybe everything he did was draconian. I could say that Obama's policies are draconian. Provide an example and we can discuss it.