Originally Posted By: OakAsFan

A woman that wants an abortion already deals with enough obstacles. She has to be yelled and screamed at by protesters in the parking lot, shown gruesome photos of illegal, late term abortions that have nothing to do with her legal procedure, receive death threats, and in some cases both the women and the people running the clinic have been killed. Now there's states that want to take away a woman's right to do what she wishes with her body. What's next? Pass laws that relegate women to the kitchen?

There's so many things wrong with your argument above its hard to even know where to start.

You first go with the typical liberal, pro-abortion tactic of trying to twist it to where the woman is somehow the victim and not the baby being killed. And you do this by painting a bogus and unrealistic picture of "obstacles" they have to overcome. Protesters in the parking lot? How often do you think this happens relative to how many abortions there are? And those gruesome pictures, which every woman whose having an abortion SHOULD see (shouldn't their "choice" be an informed choice?) aren't all late term. One can clearly see heads, arms, legs, etc long before the third trimester. And while killing abortionists isn't justified, neither is that abortionist killing dozens, hundreds, or thousands of unborn babies.

You then use the lame and tired line about it being "her body." Nevermind there are actually TWO bodies and lives involved. Not just her. And, if we go by that bogus argument about it being "her body," then you have to believe she's justified in having an abortion right up to the very moment of birth. After all, whether the first month that or the last month, it's "her body," right?

Lastly, you end with a ridiculous attempt to somehow make outlawing abortion in those states that don't want it, which is the Constitutional way to go, a case of going backwards or some sexist measure against women.

I'm still waiting for you to make a sound, informed argument on anything. So far you're 0 for 3.

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