Sorry for the tardy response. I do believe that's actually Pranno, as if I remember correctly it was established that some publications had inadvertently used pictures of Potenza as Pranno. Also, Fosco asserted as much. I doubt his sources are mistaken.

I had to step away from this whole mess of a mystery for a while, and just took a peak at the last page again tonight. It occurs to me now that if Libonati is #10, then that's probably Ricca and not Cerone. How that didn't occur to me before is yet another mystery.

Moreover, I'm now pretty well convinced that #10 is Libonati.

The worst part is knowing that you'll never know if you actually knew what you thought you knew...

EDIT: Per Potenza/Pranno, maybe it was the other way around, lol; I just took a look around, and it appears that it was.

Last edited by JJB; 07/04/16 06:40 AM.