I think Trump is slightly more liberal than what he seems...he could well just be pandering to his base trash vote because he knows the most of them are completely uneducated and will just move and wont care when he gets voted in anyway.

Its difficult to believe what he says - just one policy example, he says hes going to round up 11million illegals and send them back to Mexico? No one seems to care about the implications of this...impractical and unethical...your gardener gets a knock at the door in the middle of the night by the gestapo and sent back to mexico? What about his naturalised kids? And thisll be done by the hundreds of thousands? Hes going to devote how much law enforcement resources to this when there is REAL terrorism going on?

Youve got a difficult choice...Hillary isnt a polished speaker and tends to screech (and then comes across as crazy) but at least you know she'll be a typical, predicable politician and be reasonable centerist about foreign policy, she won't get the country into a real, real mess- she knows the game and at least seems capable of some comprimise. I still dont trust her in any way....every sentence has a focus group soundbite in it. On the other hand, Trump could be the most disasterous president ever...it seems he can get away with saying more and more crazy things and just get away with it - whilst its refreshing, im not convinced somebody who still seems to think hes in a reality tv show/wwf ring is what you need to run the country, and argueably, civilisation. He does quite obviously pretend to be religious though (which any candidate has to these days) and religious people love it, they know he pretends, but whilst the majority of religious people know it, it I suppose they like the acknowledgement - its sad thousands will still vote for him knowing that though. He could well become the first athiest president of America. He is just winging it on every level and it is obvious.

"trust me, its going to be amazing"