Originally Posted By: fergie
You know the worst thing, I can accept faults within my beliefs....NEVER once have I heard a religious person admit that...thats what causes problems

I haven't read anything to show that you accept any fault within your beliefs. Nothing. Zero.

-When atheist atrocities are brought up, such as the over 100 million deaths attributed to atheist Communist governments, you make excuses and falsely claim that they weren't really atheists, or those governments don't really represent atheism. In other words, a No True Scotsman Fallacy.

-Then there's other problems with atheism, uncomfortable facts that follow from the logic of atheism, such as: (1) There is no concept of absolute right or wrong, no objective morality, it is amoral; (2) It cannot account and has no basis for logic or reason, so on that basis alone atheism is inherently incoherent and self-contradictory; (3) It cannot account for existence since in atheism materialism logically follows.