The atheist groups that have persecuted gays are tiny groups of deluded idiots, you know that Ivy. Every belief system has it, its only human nature that some people take views to an extreme - yours in particular has the FLDS if I remember correctly (the FLDS make Charlie Manson look like a sexual prude) but we wouldn't say thats in any way a fair representation of what the vast majority believe would we?

However, the MAJOR difference is that nearly every religious faith, and the vast majority of their memberships, actually do seriously believe gays will burn in hell/suffer eternal torture etc etc simply because they are apparently guilty of a sin - and they pass this on to everyone they can at every opportunity. Some will then go on to massacre unfortunate "sinners".

The vast majority of atheists don't particularly obsess over the whereabouts of other peoples penis' or who they choose to spend their lives with or make up ridiculous theories about how they can be punished.