Regardless of who the owner was or is and who's credit card was being used Skinny is still living a life of a guy making over a million a year and he is being watched so close that he will be having problems with the IRS unless this sugar daddy he has wants to keep up this charade .

Business is business and if this guy (sugar daddy)has the Feds breathing down his neck looking for receipts from designer clothes shoes and jewelry and very expensive cars that Skinny has and his immediate family also it's going to get old.

With out a doubt the Feds are putting pressure on this guy and have Skinnys every move on audio and video that he will have to account for the money or they will stoop to her level to put him away on taxi evasion cos the guy is living it up on the camera matter where he goes .

Cackling like a banty Rooster.

I love this," "I just love this."