Originally Posted By: azguy
What I read was well after Carlo was gone, like early 80's. It was probably a win/win. Bruno had Paul on his side and Paul controlled a commission vote.

Bruno was killed much earlier than Castellano and as far as we know, other than a proxy vote maybe , Castellano did nothing for retribution or to get his commission vote back. So it doesn't seem like they were that close . May I ask , what is it that you read that said Bruno & Castellano had that much of a relationship?

And I used to think Stanfa was in on the hit, but I've since changed my opinion on that. Him being there doesn't mean he was in on it necessarily. Him and Bruno basically lived on the same 2 block radius, from what I've read on the hit. And Bruno asked Stanfa for the ride, Stanfa didn't just offer to do so. Had it not been for Stanfa's quick thinking, he probably would have been killed too, but as soon as he heard the shot and felt something hit his arm he opened his door and ran and never looked back. Yes he was seen in the hospital with Sindone and Salerno but they couldve easily been asking him to keep his mouth shut. And I think its only Anastasia who says Stanfa used to be seen by surveillance in NY with Caponigro, I don't know how true that is. Those within the Philly mob like George Fresolone don't believe Stanfa was in on it. So the jury is still out on that, it definitely hasn't been proven either way.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 06/10/16 06:51 PM.