This story hits close to home for me, I was living in downtown Boston from 89-92 and use to go into the Channel (at the time it had changed it's name and was a strip club which for the life of me I can't remember it's name). I saw many characters in there as I was there a few nights a week.

I remember the 1st time I laid my eyes on Salemme. He made a big entrance with a whole crew of guys and guy sitting next to me at the bar said he was the head of the local "mob". Salemme continued to "hold court" with two others guys and a gaggle of strippers in a large circular booth, gold chain, silk shirt, not a care in the world. After that night I saw him and his kid in there a lot, I even pissed next to Frank one night in the adjacent

"In onore della Famiglia la Famiglia e' aperta"