Nicky O is still made, I dont know how active he is, but at least according to the FBI and those chart things guys make he's still recognized as a member of the Philly Family.

Originally Posted By: Curiosity
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
The whole Scarfo/Philly thing leading to his demotion being an excuse makes sense. That's just how the reporters always put it, but you can't always go by those things, as often times they get it wrong. And I read Fresolones book and he gives the impression that Scarfo Jr was a good guy for the most part. Makes me wonder how he became to be so disliked by those North Jersey Luccheses. I'm gonna be honest, it sounds like a lot of bullshit and jealousy the Pernas had for him.

Why do you think the Pernas would be jealous of him?
Haven't read Fresolone's book, but how did he paint Scarfo as being a good guy? I've always read Jr was pretty cocky and arrogant, which I though was the reason Joey Merlino and the Young Turks didn't like him (aside from the whole demoting/outcasting the Merlinos by Scarfo Sr incident). Might be the same reasons the Pernas don't.

He paints Nicky Jr in pretty much the same way he was said to be at one point in this thread, a quiet type, and an earner, not cocky or arrogant, from what you've read. And I don't know if that was the reason why he and Joey Merlino didn't get along. In fact he and Joey Merlino were quiet close when they were younger, and the reason for his hit attempt on Nicky Jr, was an attempt to end his fathers control on the mob by proxy , which didn't help , because outside of his own group Merlino wasn't looked at as someone who could run the mob, let alone be made. And as these guys said, when Nicky Scarfo Jr was on the street at that time, earning, the Perna's were young kids, so they had no real interaction with Nicky Jr. Fresolone says Nicky Jr always had a way to make money, and he always thought of new schemes to earn money for himself and those around him. There's also that newspaper article from that guy in AC who knew Nicky Jr & Mark. He says Nicky Jr was a regular guy, he never really flaunted being "wise guy" or used that to push people around and that it was more so Mark who was like that, that was during high school though, Leonetti also said Nicky Jr wasn't like that, and the only reason he was what he was , was because of influence from his father.

I don't know how he was as a Lucchese capo, but from the few sources I've read, he was liked by more than a few of those guys as well. But maybe he changed.

Last edited by SinatraClub; 06/08/16 03:32 PM.