Originally Posted By: Faithful1

First, the reality about Bill Clinton:
1. The Clinton economy did not start to improve until he started working with Congressional Republicans in his famous "triangulation." The Republican Congress passed tax cuts earlier that year and then the economy started to improve. Prior to that the Clinton economy was not doing well.
2. When Clinton left office he left W a recession, called the "Clinton recession." This has been so underreported that few even know about this. http://dailysignal.com/2012/09/07/two-huge-flaws-in-the-legend-of-the-clinton-economy/
3. Obviously W got us into the Iraq War, but so did Hillary Clinton. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/21/iraq.hillary/
4. "W's disaster" wasn't entirely of his own making. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars (mostly) go to him, but the housing and credit crises mostly go to Bill Clinton when he changed the housing laws and regulations: http://reason.com/archives/2012/10/14/clintons-legacy-the-financial-and-housin; https://cei.org/blog/clinton-pressure-promote-affordable-housing-led-mortgage-meltdown; there were other contributors, but it was the Clinton administration that was the initial cause and the catalyst for what followed, and it was the housing crisis that led to the credit crisis and the subsequent bailouts.
On Obama and the economy, your citations are easily challenged:
1. Under Obama we have the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303816504577311470997904292
2. The number of "breadwinner jobs" is LOWER than it was at the end of the W administration: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/ba...8-million-jobs/
3. Meanwhile, there has been an increase in part-time jobs and a decrease in full-time jobs (and full-time has been redefined from 40 hours a week to 30). Mainstream media sources have been slow to admit this: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/...time-employment
4. In 2012 even factcheck.org noted that Obama plays "sleight-of-hand" with economic statistics: http://www.factcheck.org/2012/06/obamas-economic-sleight-of-hand/
5. Providing context shows that the economy has actually been dropping jobs or at least increasing only marginally at best: http://www.investors.com/politics/commen...ant-you-to-see/
6. The number of discouraged workers, people classified as giving up on looking for work, has grown. A report from 2015 puts it at 40%: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/20/40-percent-of-unemployed-have-quit-looking-for-jobs.html
7. Even left-wing Chris Matthews recognizes that the labor force is shrinking: http://fortune.com/2016/05/06/april-jobs-report-participation/
8. According to the BLS, the proportion of foreign-born workers is higher than native-born workers: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/forbrn.pdf
9. Obama has increased the national debt more than all previous 43 presidents COMBINED (even Politifact agrees): http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/...more-debt-all-/

I have to attempt to correct some misinformation stated above.

At point 1, you give credit to Clinton and Republicans working together to pass a tax cut which supposedly spurred an economic revival. That is called supply side economics and that is not how it was done. What happened is Clinton/Gore implemented DEMAND SIDE ECONOMICS. They opted to spur the Federal Reserve to lower interest rates on bonds by balancing the budget. Allow me to explain...

When the national budget is in the red, the federal government must borrow money to make up the difference, to pay their bills for that year. The money borrowed then goes into a pile of debt called the national debt. National deficit, and national debt. Two different things.

In order to raise the money needed, when the budget is in the red, the government uses the Federal Reserve's Open Market Operations to raise US bond interest rates so that the bonds become an attractive investment. US Bond sales raise the money needed. US Bonds that pay higher interest rates are more attractive to investors and "crowd out" the private sector corporate bond market...the nation taking precedence over the individual corporation.

When interest rates go up on bonds, they go up on almost everything else that is debt issued by banks: credit cards, car loans, mortages, student loans, personal loans, intrabank loans, all the interest rates rise. When interest rates go up, it's harder to borrow money...the economy slows down. Tight money policy.

If you balance the budget, you can lower the interest rates on bonds...and on everything else, because you no longer need to raise money through bond sales to pay the government's bills. Money across the board becomes cheaper to rent, and because money begins to exist the moment it is borrowed...the money supply increases. Individuals and businesses all begin to borrow more money, economic expansion takes place. Businesses and Corporations use borrowed money to expand. Employment goes up. Unemployment goes down, IE Demand Side Economics.

Clinton/Gore decided to implement all of this by balancing the budget through Congress. Every single Republican voted against balancing the budget in the Senate. The vote was 50/50, Dem versus Rep. Albert Gore as the President of the Senate became the tie breaking vote. The rest is history. The economy was set free, and the stock market became what was known at the time as a "Super Bull". It just kept going up. Many people became millionaires under Clinton/Gore. I live in New York City. I remember very vividly, the National Debt Clock in Times Square literally had a sheet thrown over it. They stopped the clock. We had surpluses. It was surreal.

That's what actually happened, and it's not open to debate or controversy.

On point number 3, that Hillary also got us into Iraq. Hillary was a member of Congress at the time, and she like many in Congress voted to give W conditional authorization to attack Iraq with the precondition that the weapons inspectors be allowed to finish their inspection. You see, this is why the founders put the power to declare war under the authority of Congress....because more heads are often smarter than one. What does W do? He pulls Hans Blix and the rest of the inspectors out and attacks. That is what one single dummy is capable of. Total disaster.

There are a lot of half truths in your other points Faithful, that I won't bother to tussle with. I just wanted to touch on the points that were 180 degrees from the truth.

"For us, rubbin'out a Mustache was just like makin' way for a new building, like we was in the construction business."