Originally Posted By: Footreads
How did you like Bill Clinton during first four years in office?

i loved Bill Clinton and will continue to believe that he was one of the greatest presidents in modern day history. did i agree with everything he did or said? NO. but thats every president. i voted for W, twice. did i agree with everything he did or said? NO. Obama is an unusual case as i dont like or agree with his politics and i believe we should ship those fucking refugees from Iraq back there to be dealt with. he is the most progressive president in US history but not everything he believes in or does is bad. i was not ready for such a progressive president but he has done 'some' good. do i believe he took office to detroy America? thats fucking ludicrous as i don't believe anybody takes that job to ruin a nation. do i beleive he is not a US citizen? NO. more bullshit manufactured by republican haters. do i believe that many members of congress stonewalled him because he was black? YES. in fact, i have a close family friend who is a member of congress and he painted me a pretty good picture of how some view him and things that were said about him.

COMPROMISE. its the only way to move forward. it happens in business, education, religion etc...why not in politics?