Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: dinocrocetti
here are some specific examples of economic improvement under Obama:

As of January 2016, a record 64 consecutive months of overall job growth. http://on.msnbc.com/1TKFCPQ

As of January 2016, Unemployment drops below 5% for the first time in eight years and without a significant bubble. 4.9% http://on.msnbc.com/1TKFCPQ

As of April 2016, there have been 74 consecutive months of private sector job growth. http://1.usa.gov/1Xhizho

In April 2016, new unemployment claims hit their lowest level since Nov. 1973. http://nyti.ms/1YhZEBk

Since February 2010, when job numbers hit their lowest point, 14.6 million non-farm private sector jobs have been created. http://1.usa.gov/1Xhizho

Oversaw a reduction in the federal budget deficit by two-thirds since taking office. http://bit.ly/1xKMmjY

Reduced the federal budget deficit from 9.8% of GDP in Fiscal Year 2009 under Bush, to 2.9% of GDP in FY 2014. http://www.cbo.gov/publication/45653

**again, i dont agree with all of his politics but certain credit should be given to 'any' president who helped improve the economy after W's disaster

heres another one


First, the reality about Bill Clinton:
1. The Clinton economy did not start to improve until he started working with Congressional Republicans in his famous "triangulation." The Republican Congress passed tax cuts earlier that year and then the economy started to improve. Prior to that the Clinton economy was not doing well.
2. When Clinton left office he left W a recession, called the "Clinton recession." This has been so underreported that few even know about this. http://dailysignal.com/2012/09/07/two-huge-flaws-in-the-legend-of-the-clinton-economy/
3. Obviously W got us into the Iraq War, but so did Hillary Clinton. http://www.cnn.com/2004/ALLPOLITICS/04/21/iraq.hillary/
4. "W's disaster" wasn't entirely of his own making. The Iraq and Afghanistan wars (mostly) go to him, but the housing and credit crises mostly go to Bill Clinton when he changed the housing laws and regulations: http://reason.com/archives/2012/10/14/clintons-legacy-the-financial-and-housin; https://cei.org/blog/clinton-pressure-promote-affordable-housing-led-mortgage-meltdown; there were other contributors, but it was the Clinton administration that was the initial cause and the catalyst for what followed, and it was the housing crisis that led to the credit crisis and the subsequent bailouts.
On Obama and the economy, your citations are easily challenged:
1. Under Obama we have the worst economic recovery since the Great Depression: http://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702303816504577311470997904292
2. The number of "breadwinner jobs" is LOWER than it was at the end of the W administration: http://davidstockmanscontracorner.com/ba...8-million-jobs/
3. Meanwhile, there has been an increase in part-time jobs and a decrease in full-time jobs (and full-time has been redefined from 40 hours a week to 30). Mainstream media sources have been slow to admit this: http://newsbusters.org/blogs/tom-blumer/...time-employment
4. In 2012 even factcheck.org noted that Obama plays "sleight-of-hand" with economic statistics: http://www.factcheck.org/2012/06/obamas-economic-sleight-of-hand/
5. Providing context shows that the economy has actually been dropping jobs or at least increasing only marginally at best: http://www.investors.com/politics/commen...ant-you-to-see/
6. The number of discouraged workers, people classified as giving up on looking for work, has grown. A report from 2015 puts it at 40%: http://www.cnbc.com/2015/05/20/40-percent-of-unemployed-have-quit-looking-for-jobs.html
7. Even left-wing Chris Matthews recognizes that the labor force is shrinking: http://fortune.com/2016/05/06/april-jobs-report-participation/
8. According to the BLS, the proportion of foreign-born workers is higher than native-born workers: http://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/forbrn.pdf
9. Obama has increased the national debt more than all previous 43 presidents COMBINED (even Politifact agrees): http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/...more-debt-all-/

somebody is lying! maybe all these publications hould get their stories straight and tell us the truth.

furthermore, i stand by my comment about a "nation of idiots" because WE and only WE have propelled two known liars to be positioned for the most powerful position in the free world. WE are to blame. when donald trump wins the republican nomination in one of the largest landslides in us history, it only goes to show how idiotic WE are. the republican's are in very bad shape when not one of them stood a chance against trump. and hilary is a bold faced liar as well. i loved bill, no matter what anybody says, he was a great president. and kenneth starr is now getting a taste of his own medicine covering up rapes at baylor.