Another article with no much new info, but it shows some of the players involved. It is a French article though.

I haven't figured out yet if Arcadi was out or not. The news story I read and posted here said Arcadi was put on a hold after Giordano was killed as was Del Balso. It seems they kept Del Balso but released Arcadi after 48 hours. If that is true, then in my mind it changes everything about the Sollecito hit.

As I said before and I still believe it, that when the "big 3" get out (Arcadi, Del Balso, and Giordano) that it would change the whole dynamic and we would see if they were still on the Rizzuto's good side or bad. I'm still confused though....LMAO.

IF Arcadi was out, did he ok the hit on Rocco? Is he still hoping to get the "old guard" like we've said before back in power or is he trying to take over and the young guard not liking it?

To me, at this point, I think Arcadi is trying to take over and Rocco let him know real quick that, that was NOT happening. So who knows at this point. lol panic