Appreciate it, Cabrini. And don't feel too bad when guys say you're off your rocker in regards to these things. I know on another forum I theorized Rocco Sollecitos position in all this and was told by a pretty respected Canadian poster, that he didn't deal in "theories, only fact" and that according to him, Rocco was staying as far away as possible from this whole situation and was no longer involved. And we see how that turned out.

And its interesting that you mention the drugs and who controls what nowadays. Just for the sake of discussion, the Scoppa's are rumored to now be based in Mexico, hiding out. Now its way too early to really know who's behind all this, but its interesting to note that there are former underlings of the Montreal Mafia, who bided their time hiding out in foreign countries. And the amount of time some of these guys have been there, its very plausible they built and established their own connections for cocaine and simply have managed to outmaneuver the old guard from afar. Interesting scenario that is Montreal, regardless.